I'm addicted to Jane Austen's books, especially Pride and Prejudice. I probably first read the book when I was 10 or 12 - there is a beautiful hardcover copy in my parents' home, part of a set of classics. I've re-read the book several times since. Recently my interest my was rekindled when the latest adaptation was released. Not wanting to wait till the movie hit screens in India, I googled around, and found a huge amount of sites devoted to Jane.
There's tons of "fan fiction" out there as well- fiction based on JA characters, mostly P&P characters. I'm currently reading several of these.
Finally got to see the movie this week. Keira Knightley as Lizzy is great, but Matthew Macfadyen as Darcy just blew me away. What can I say - he is Darcy and he is HOT :) The chemistry between them is wonderful. The movie itself feels a little rushed - they of course, cannot compress a 61 chapter novel spanning almost two years into two hours. But if someone watched the movie without reading the book first, they would wonder at how Darcy fell in love with Lizzie so fast. The picturization is lovely, the locales are absolutely beautiful. I wonder why they made the Bennet house (Longbourn) look so shabby though. Also, everyone looks so sweaty most of the time - guess they wanted to stay true to the period, and show that daily baths were unheard of then..
I'm adding a picture I found on the web as testament to this Darcy's hotness. Would you agree, girls? ;)